How to Create an Integrated Women’s Leadership Strategy
MindaliaTV interview on gender equality and advancing women
When Judy Hoberman invited me to join her and Angel Ribo for an interview on MindaliaTV, I said yes. For those who know Judy, you understand why. If you don’t follow her on Twitter (@SellingInASkirt) for insights on men and women sell, manage, recruit and supervise differently and tips on how both genders can support each other’s successes in a more productive way.
The hour flew by as we discussed the importance of having a strategic initiative to drive gender equality within organizations. One challenge is that there is no one answer to advancing women or other underrepresented groups. Rather it will take a combination of numerous actions, cultural changes and visible and vocal leadership from the top and middle management to encourage and drive engagement throughout the organization.
Here are links to several of the initiatives we discussed during the program:
Women Beyond the Tipping Point – It’s time to disrupt the status quo to drive gender parity and rid the workplace of gender inequities.
Gender Advocacy Profile – Have you ever wondered where you are on the advocacy continuum and what else you could do to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
Books that make the case for women’s advancement.
Why Aren’t We Making Greater Strides to Advance Women in the Workplace? – Is your women’s leadership strategy sitting on a one-legged stool?
If you’d like more details on The Four Barriers To Male Engagement…and How to Overcome Them. please check out this Linkedin Pulse piece.
View the interview and let me know what you think? What initiative does your organization have in place to drive gender equity? Does your leadership team know how to operationalize the business case for women, to find out ask your team these questions:
- Can you articulate the day-to-day actions you are taking to improve the retention and advancement of women?
- What metrics do you have in place to track progress?
- How are you holding your direct reports accountable, specifically men and middle management?
Thank you again, Judy and Angel, for inviting me to talk about advancing women and imperative to engage men.