Male Engagement, Advancing Women…and My Red Pumps.
Jeffery Tobias Halter TEDx Talk
I was thrilled when I was invited to give a TED talk on the need for male engagement in advancing women at the TEDxCentennialParkWomen 2015 in Atlanta. I knew that this was a great opportunity to ignite a real conversation. I also knew it needed to be poignant, provocative and shake things up a bit. I believe I found the perfect visual aid to help women jump start this conversation with their male colleagues and create momentum and lead change.
Hence, the red pumps! Why are women’s shoes the perfect visual aid for why men won’t even have this conversation? How do they represent the current workplace experiences of men and women? How do they represent the man code? Finally, how can women’s shoes actually represent the #1 reason for men to engage in advocating for women?
Want to know more. Wanted: Male Engagement | Jeffery Tobias Halter | @YWomen