Posts Tagged ‘women in the workplace’
It’s Time to Reframe Your DE&I Efforts
Are your company’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions working? Ask yourself, are your company’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions working? Really working? Have you seen exponential leadership growth for women, people of color and other under-represented groups in your organization? Do you get excited when you compare your numbers from 10 years ago to today?…
Read MoreWomen in the Workplace 2022: One Step Forward. Two Steps Back.
We have to stop the leaking pipeline. Women at all levels are walking away. The 2022 and McKinsey & Company “Women in the Workplace” report is another somber and sobering look at the state of women in corporate America. While the current report focuses on “how the pandemic has changed what women want from…
Read MoreThree Tips To Engage And Retain Millennial Women…and Men
Millennials are now the largest percentage of your workforce. In fact, in 2020, the oldest millennials are now turning 40. These are no longer “kids,” but the people sitting at the doorstep of Middle Management and Senior Leadership. Is your company ready to retain and advance millennials? The 2019 McKinsey & Company Women in the…
Read MoreWhat a Trump Victory Means for Women’s Leadership Advancement
One of the first reactions of a Trump victory will be the question will hurt or even hinder women’s leadership advancement in corporate America and was Hillary’s loss in part because the country is not ready for a female president. While the pundits will analyze this election for years, as a corporate gender strategist I do…
Read MoreIt’s Time To Celebrate Single Working Women’s Day
The demographics of women in the workplace may surprise you. Since the launch of YWomen 5 years ago I have spoken to dozens of Fortune 500 companies regarding the critical need to recruit, develop and retain women through active male engagement and I have not heard of one company that celebrates this event. I have…
Read MoreLessons From The PayPal Gender Equality Panel Debacle
3 things companies need to do to get serious about advancing women Let’s give PayPal an A for effort and a C- on execution on their women’s initiative. In case you missed it, late last month Paypal announced a Gender Equality and Inclusion in the Workforce Panel. Â The only problem was the panel consisted of…
Read MoreMale Engagement, Advancing Women…and My Red Pumps.
Jeffery Tobias Halter TEDx Talk I was thrilled when I was invited to give a TED talk on the need for male engagement in advancing women at the TEDxCentennialParkWomen 2015 in Atlanta. I knew that this was a great opportunity to ignite a real conversation. I also knew it needed to be poignant, provocative and shake…
Read MoreWomen in the Workplace – Radio Interview
Recently, I was interviewed by Emory Mulling for his Mulling at Work radio show. Our discussion centered around the status of women in the workplace 2015, my new book WHY WOMEN and how men need to get engaged to create positive change for women in the workplace. Give it a listen and let me know…
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