Posts Tagged ‘womens advancement’
A Roadmap to Reframe Women’s Leadership Advancement
IBM study finds that to thrive organizations must prioritize advancing women – and all historically under-represented groups. A new global study from the IBM Institute for Business Value and Chief offers a roadmap for sustainable progress for advancing women. Fewer than half (45%) of organizations surveyed report they have made advancing more women into leadership roles a…
Read MoreWhat a Trump Victory Means for Women’s Leadership Advancement
One of the first reactions of a Trump victory will be the question will hurt or even hinder women’s leadership advancement in corporate America and was Hillary’s loss in part because the country is not ready for a female president. While the pundits will analyze this election for years, as a corporate gender strategist I do…
Read MoreWomen’s Advancement: Three Things Men Aren’t Telling Women (Part 3 of 3)
Do Men Really Care About Advocating for the Advancement of Women? In Part 1 and 2 of this series, I provided the context of Women’s Advancement: Three Things Men Aren’t Telling Women. The first and second questions raised by men and the solutions provided were: “I don’t understand why things need to change. What’s different…
Read MoreWomen’s Advancement: What Men Aren’t Telling Women (Part 2 of 3)
Is your Leadership team able to manage talent that is NOT LIKE THEMSELVES? In my last post, I wrote about the three things men won’t reveal to their female colleagues when it comes to women’s advancement. To recap the three things men aren’t saying to women: “I don’t understand why things need to change. What’s…
Read MoreTake The Lead: Conversation with Betsy Myers
Tips on how to be an advocate and an inclusive leader Recently, I was interviewed by Betsy Myers for her WebTalkRadio show. Here’s the podcast of the interview. 5 things to help men and women understand and unleash the power of women in organizations. Tips on how to be an advocate and an inclusive leader. How can…
Read MoreWomen’s Advancement: Three Things Men Aren’t Telling Women (Part 1 of 3)
What is your company doing to recognize women as an Operating Priority? As I work with corporate clients I’ve had many opportunities to understand what holds (well-meaning) men back from fully committing to women’s leadership programs — the inner thoughts and voices that prevent them from understanding the great economic value women unlock for companies.…
Read MoreLadies, Are You Ready For Some Football!!!!
Fantasy Football, Women and Networking. Recently while flying back from a client gender strategy consulting session, I was re-reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean-In, when I glanced at the women next to me and she was reading ESPN’s 2015 Fantasy Football Preview. We shared a laugh that she was reading about football and I was reading about…
Read MoreStop Your Women’s Leadership “Journey” and Start Your Integrated Women’s Leadership Plan (Part 1 of 4)
Stop the Journey. Start the PLAN. Many years ago, I was at my first ever national diversity conference, when I heard a Chief Diversity Officer talk about the company’s progress vis-a-vis gender diversity. He said the company was on a diversity journey and that ten years after setting forth on a strategy, they were now beginning…
Read MoreMale Engagement, Advancing Women…and My Red Pumps.
Jeffery Tobias Halter TEDx Talk I was thrilled when I was invited to give a TED talk on the need for male engagement in advancing women at the TEDxCentennialParkWomen 2015 in Atlanta. I knew that this was a great opportunity to ignite a real conversation. I also knew it needed to be poignant, provocative and shake…
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