Badass Allies with Jeffery Tobias Halter – Cultivating Male Allies and Advocates

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Cultivating Male Allies and Advocates

Jeffery Tobias Halter, president of YWomen, was honored to be a guest on the #BadassWomenPodcast with Bonnie Marcus. They discuss why it’s important to engage men as male allies and advocates to build a more equitable workplace and advance women to positions of leadership.

Listen to the full episode here:

What You Will Hear in This Episode:

  • Jeffery’s story and background as a gender strategist
  • What Jeffery learned from the experience of being the only man in the room at The Coca Cola Company women’s leadership forum
  • Jeffery’s insights on the recent McKinsey women in the workforce studies
  • The importance of asking women who work in our companies what they want and need to succeed
  • Building allies and advocates to support your women’s empowerment initiatives
  • How the pandemic has affected gender equity
  • Things that are going to help advocate for gender equity

Notable Quotes from the Episode:

  • “The most valuable thing you learn is when you listen.”
  • “76% of companies agree that gender equity is good for the bottom line. Only 17% hold people accountable.”
  • “People have to believe that the system is fair and equitable.”
  • “Many people think about gender equity but fail to take action.”
  • “Listen, learn, lead and take the will.”

Mentioned in the Episode:

Thank you again to Bonnie and the team at #BadassWomenPodcast for inviting Jeffery to be the first badass man to be a guest on the podcast! If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe to the podcast here. Also, if you have not already, please rate and review the podcast on iTunes.

Related article: Cultivating Male Allies and Advocates