My True Calling. A Podcast with Judy Hoberman.
Why Women. Why Encourage Men to Advocate for Women?
Some people are very intentional and live their lives on purpose. Others are not as aware and struggle to find purpose. Many simply respond to whatever life throws at them and it may not be their true calling. Being clear about and connected to your purpose, even if it shifts and changes as you grow, provides you with a road map. Each person has a unique journey and purpose. Do you know what your true calling is? Can you describe it, share it and live it?
Judy Hoberman presented these questions and invited to her podcast to discuss how I became a champion for women and gender equity in the workplace. As with our recent interview with Angel Ribo for MindaliaTV, our 50 minutes flew by as we discussed my career arc from direct sales to sales training then corporate diversity and finally my founding YWomen to focus on gender strategy.
Whether your calling is ridding the workplace of inequities or you are interested in learning more about the important role women play in the global economy and the shifts needs in the workplace to allow people to thrive and contribute to the bottom-line – give this podcast a listen.
Here are links to the tips and tools mentioned during the interview:
Women Beyond the Tipping Point – It’s time to disrupt the status quo to drive gender parity and rid the workplace of gender inequities.
Gender Advocacy Profile – Have you ever wondered where you are on the advocacy continuum and what else you could do to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
Why Aren’t We Making Greater Strides to Advance Women in the Workplace? – Is your women’s leadership strategy sitting on a one-legged stool?
The Four Barriers to Male Engagement … and How to Overcome Them. Cultivating Male Allies: What’s Holding Men Back?
Conversation QuickStarters and Staff Meeting in a Box Ideas – tips and tools for starting conversations about gender in the workplace.
Follow Jeffery on Twitter for an ongoing discussion of issues and resources.
Judy, thank you for inviting me to be a guest on your #SellingInASkirt podcast. It was my pleasure to discuss my true calling and share my male advocacy story.