What Are You Doing to Make Your Company Fair and Equal To All – Today And Every Day?
How Will You #PressforProgress? This Is What I’m Doing.
#PressforPreogress is the 2018 theme for International Women’s Day. It’s an apt theme and one that encourages each of us to ask what are we (and the organizations we represent) are doing to accelerate gender equity. According to a 2017 World Economic Forum study, gender parity is over 200 years away prompting the #PressforProgress theme to ignite global momentum and build on the momentum of Me Too, Time’s Up, MentorHer, and other movements.
What are you doing to make your company fair and equal to all – today and every day?
At YWomen, we work with companies to advance women and engage men in the process. To support your #PressforProgress efforts to forge gender parity and equity in the workplace we are making many of our tools available to support your initiatives.
Simply stated, our mission is to help you advance the conversation (and make meaningful progress) for gender equity.
Three free tools to #PressforProgress
To achieve gender equity companies must review their strategy, culture and the role of men that are hindering gender equity within your organization. To achieve gender equity — frankly, to achieve equity for all employees — organizations must address all three legs of the proverbial stool:
- Women’s Leadership Initiatives
- Integrated Strategy and Corporate Culture
- Create Male and Organizational Champions
Here are three of our proven tools, tips, and ideas to drive progress for your organization:
Strengthen your women’s leadership initiatives
- GET THE CONVERSATION STARTED. Gender Conversation QuickStarters is a monthly newsletter in which we share three timely topics that can serve to start conversations between men and women in the workplace. Use these for your weekly staff meetings, one-on-one conversations or lunch-and-learn topics for your women’s employee resource group. Check out a recent issue.
Enhance corporate culture and programs
- ASSESS. Use the 30 Point Readiness Assessment to understand your organization’s readiness to implement, from top to bottom, an integrated women’s leadership strategy.
Create male and organizational champions
- GET MEN INVOLVED. Make a commitment to LISTEN, LEARN, LEAD and have the WILL to advocate for the recruitment, advancement, retention and equitable treatment of women in the workplace with these simple tools. 4 Key Actions Men Must Take to Advance Women. Invite men in your organization to take the Father of Daughter Initiative pledge and commit to taking action to advocate for women.
For more ideas to bolster your women’s leadership strategy and drive real change in your company, check out this resource list with additional tools and resources.
Let’s make 2018 the year that women are heard and understood. Let’s #PressforProgress. Collectively our progress can move the needle.
Jeffery Tobias Halter the country’s leading expert on engaging men to advance women and frequently speaks at industry and corporate events. He is the President of YWomen, a strategic consulting company that helps organizations create Integrated Women’s Leadership Strategies, drive actionable business plans and strategies to attract, retain and advance women and address gender bias in the workplace. To begin conversations about gender, diversity and cultivating male allies, subscribe to his Gender Conversation QuickStarters newsletter.