Cultivating Active Male Allyship
The One Thing You Need to do to Advance Women in Your Organization.
The 2021 LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company Women in the Workplace study was recently released. The one thing leaders, BRGs and allies need to do is read it, internalize it and take action. It contains more than 50 pages of facts, data and actions designed to advance women. What you will find out is there isn’t one action you need to take. You need to do a lot of things and you need to do them now!
Less than 15% of companies have Allyship Training
Of critical importance is the data showing that less than 15 percent of companies are doing Allyship Training. Since men still represent 75 percent of leadership of the 423 companies McKinsey surveyed, it’s a given that we will never drive long-term systemic advancement for women without active male allyship.
If you’re unsure where to start, take a minute to explore the first module of my virtual series, Why Women The Leadership Imperative, and consider these questions (or discuss them at your next staff meeting):
- Which of the four barriers do you most struggle to overcome?
- Have your team members take the MAP/GAP quiz and discuss the results. What was most surprising about your team’s answers? What was least surprising?
- Which Guiding Principle is most applicable in your workplace?
What are your top takeaways from the 2021 study?
P.S.: Save the date! I’m working on a podcast with Amanda Hammett, the Millennial Translator. Sign up here to receive an invitation to our inaugural episode on Nov. 10th.