Survive and Thrive: 5 Must-Read New Books For Career Success
Shout-out of thanks to Linda Allen for including my book, YWomen in her round-up of 5 Must-Read Books For Career Success in Ms. Career Girl.
Forget for a moment any discussion of gender equality in the workplace. A business exists to make a profit for its owners or stockholders. But author Jeffery Halter says that’s exactly why corporations, and men, in particular, need to get clear with the reality that it’s women who offer perhaps the largest untapped potential for increasing productivity and profits.
He sums it up quite clearly:
“Growing revenue, improving operating profits, and enhancing your company reputation are the three primary reasons to implement an Integrated Women’s Leadership Strategy.”
Get a copy for yourself as a reminder of your own value. Then, give a copy to your boss prior to your next review or when you’re after that promotion.