Stop Sexual Harassment Before It Starts: 3 Steps Your Company Can Take
How to Fix Systemic Issues
Yes, it’s 2017 and men (and a few women) are still behaving badly in the workplace.
How many millions of dollars will companies continue to dole out in response to sexual harassment and gender discrimination lawsuits –rather than address outdated policies and hostile work environments?
A look at recent headlines or a visit to the EEOC website highlights companies, suits, and settlements.
Workplace equality and safety can’t happen in an environment where women make less than men, are promoted less frequently than men doing the same job, or are penalized when they can’t stay in the office late because of demands at home.
To address these issues, three key areas must be examined. While the first focuses on the visible aspects of harassment, companies must also evaluate critical HR policies, as they can often (and unintentionally) support hostile work environments.
To read more about the three areas your company should address to stop sexual harassment before it starts, click here.
This article by Jeffery Tobias Halter is a guest post for the Catalyst On The MARC blog.