Hey Guys, Here’s How You Can Advance Women
Every day, an estimated 10,000 baby boomers are retiring. The incoming talent pool of millennials with advanced education is made up of more women than men. Not only are women highly qualified for jobs, they also make up the overwhelming majority of a household’s purchasing decisions.
And yet, “companies still treat women like a niche,” says Jeffery Tobias Halter, formerly of The Coca-Cola Company.
Halter is baffled by this. Can you blame him?
Despite all the data that points to stronger performance when companies hire and retain women, we still see a gender wage gap, a lack of proper female representation in leadership positions, and, according to Halter, unconscious bias in the workplace.
Author of the book Why Women, which engages men to advance women within their companies, and owner of the gender strategy consulting firm, YWomen, Halter says he can help companies “get unstuck.” That is, unstuck from stagnant profit streams, unstuck from sluggish growth.
Read more of Jeffery’s interview with Hope Sisk for HER magazine.