Can the #MeToo Movement Make Real Changes in the Workplace?

BOLD TV interview with Jeffery Tobias Halter

Do you think the  movement is making real changes in the workplace? Strategist and President of , Jeffery Tobias Halter stopped by to discuss gender inequalities in the workplace and the impact of the MeToo movement.

For years, Jeffery been advocating that it’s time to stop trying to “fix” women by providing them with one more training program, and instead take a closer look at the strategy, culture and the role of male engagement that is required to achieve gender equity within organizations.

He is currently working with clients to leverage the momentum and conversations that are finally taking place due to the #MeToo #TimesUp #MentorHer and other recent movements.

To begin conversations about gender, diversity and cultivating male allies, subscribe to the YWomen Gender Conversation QuickStarters newsletter.

Click here to watch the BOLDTV interview with Jeffery.