Talking About Women, Leadership And The Bottom-Line
A Podcast with Ron Comacho and Jeffery Halter
Women represent half of the American workforce they represent 1/3 of company chief executives. So why is there a gender gap and why are we overlooking this vast reservoir of talent, leadership potential and the productivity that women bring to top positions and to boards of directors?
In this edition of Business Hour with Ron Comacho on America’s Web Radio, Ron talks with Jeffery Tobias Halter, author of WHY WOMEN: The Leadership
Imperative to Advancing Women and Engaging Men – and founder of YWomen, an organization that focuses on engaging men to advance women and improve company performance, about the war for talent, women’s leadership initiatives, and how we are currently at the tipping point for women’s issues.
Click here to listen to the podcast/interview with Ron and Jeffery.
During the interview, Halter mentions several initiatives, here are the links:
Women Beyond the Tipping Point – It’s time to disrupt the status quo to drive gender parity and rid the workplace of gender inequities.
Gender Advocacy Profile – Have you ever wondered where you are on the advocacy continuum and what else you could do to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
Why Aren’t We Making Greater Strides to Advance Women in the Workplace? – Is your women’s leadership strategy sitting on a one-legged stool?
Father of Daughter Initiative – Downloadable pledge form with tips and ideas on how to advocate for your daughter, working spouse or female colleague.
Conversation QuickStarters and Staff Meeting in a Box Ideas – tips and tools for starting conversations about gender in the workplace.
Follow Jeffery on Twitter for an ongoing discussion of issues and resources.