Engaging Executives Who Are Fathers of Daughters
The Red Shoe Movement – engaging men to support women in the workplace
During a recent trip to New York City, I had the opportunity to meet with Mariela Dabbah, CEO & Founder of The Red Shoe Movement (RSM). After meeting last year on social media and conference calls this was our first IRL meeting to discuss our mutual use of red heels to make a point about advancing women in the workplace. RSM is focused on diverse women’s career and leaderhip development.Mariela recently published an Open Invitation to Executive Who Are Fathers of Daughters in Forbes. It seemed like a natural that we would compare notes on our initiatives to get Fathers of Daughters involved with advancing women in the workplace — and red shoes. Fast foward a couple days, and Mariela’s Business Development person in Argentina was on a popular TV show and the production picked up a series images from their social media stream, including one of me!#PuraVida | Mariana Carbajal nos trae la propuesta de @RedShoeMovement, una compañía que desarrolla programas con perspectiva de género. pic.twitter.com/7oIIwfOPFW
— PuraVida (@PuraVidaTele) July 14, 2017
Mariela. Thank you for getting social with me and for the work you are doing to advance women. Looking forward to future collaborations.Are we connected on Twitter? Let’s keep the conversation going @YWomen.