Welcome and thank you for attending the recent presentation with Jeffery Tobias Halter, president of YWomen.
At YWomen our goal is simple: to provide effective tools and solutions to engage "ready-now" men in becoming advocates for advancing women and other under-represented groups in your company. We also offer Keynotes, Executive Sessions and Full-Day Immersion Programs to move men from awareness to advocacy.
Here are the materials mentioned during Jeffery’s keynote:
B. Engaging All Allies Keynote Slide Deck
C. Engaging All Allies Participants Guide
D. Creating Your Personal Success for Advancement Workshop Slide Deck
*Please note: the materials from UW GB program will be available to download for 30 days after the event
Additionally, here are free tools to help you engage others as allies and advocates:
Jeffery’s Conversation QuickStarters: Staff Meeting in a Box
Free modules of Creating Gender Advocates virtual series
Win(e)d Down Wednesday Podcast with Amanda Hammett
White Papers, Blogs and Additional Resources
Let’s stay in touch. We’d love to know how your initiatives are going. You can contact us to leave a message or sign-up for Jeffery’s Conversation QuickStarters monthly newsletter.