Posts Tagged ‘gender advocates’
Engaging Men (and Women) as Gender Advocates
Creating a Year-Long Dialogue on Advancing Women “We keep running BRG events, but we’re really not moving the needle. The company expects us to help lead the women’s strategy for the company, and yet I get very little money or resources. I have amazing committed volunteers, but it’s just not enough. Why is this so hard?”…
Read MoreMy Goal for Women’s History Month – Create More Gender Advocates
What’s Hindering Your Women’s Leadership Initiative? Are you getting stuck in your efforts to advance women in your organization? You are not alone! What if you could: Engage more men (and women) as advocates for gender equality? Increase the impact/value of your BRG? Effectively link your BRG’s strategic objectives to your company’s objectives? Hold people…
Read MoreAnnouncing the YWomen Creating Gender Advocates Virtual Series
What Best-in-Class Companies Know About Advancing Women It’s time to create gender advocates throughout your organization. What best-in-class companies have figured out is that advancing women is not only the right thing to do — it’s also good for business. A solid women’s leadership strategy brings measurable wins in all areas of an organization from…
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