Male Allyship: How Good Are You (Really)?

4 Tips to Activate Your Allyship For the past few years, there has been much work done by best-in-class companies to build out male allyship initiatives. However, a new study points out that even the most well-intentioned men aren’t stepping up as much as they think they are. A recent national study conducted by the…

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What is a male ally with Jeanette Thebeau

The number of women advancing in leadership roles isn’t changing. One reason is that a key part of the equation is often missing – men. Many corporate gender initiatives focus on changing women – how to gain confidence, take a seat at the table, negotiate for themselves, and be heard. While these skills are important…

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Engaging men as allies and advocates with Brad Johnson, David Smith and Jeffery Tobias Halter

There isn’t an easy button for creating a gender-equitable workplace. What does it take to get men to participate in women’s leadership and diversity initiatives? Today’s guests agree that it will take leadership and hard work along with a community of allies and advocates to create real, sustainable change. Join us for an unfiltered conversation…

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It’s Time for Allies to Step Up

It’s Time for Allies to Step Up There has never been a more critical time for male allies to step up. Stepping up can range from speaking out publicly if you are in a role of leadership to simply providing comfort and listening to a co-worker. What is troubling for me is that leaders and…

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Reflections on Ten Years

Five things companies are getting right and five areas that need improvement Ten years ago, I launched YWomen with a focused mission to help organizations recruit, retain and advance women and a goal to create more conversations about engaging men in advancing women at work. What an incredible journey it has been! As I have…

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Cultivating Active Male Allyship

Since men still represent 75 percent of leadership of the 423 companies McKinsey surveyed, it's a given that we will never drive long-term systemic advancement for women without active male allyship.  If you're unsure where to start, take a minute to explore the first module of my virtual series, Why Women The Leadership Imperative, and consider these questions (or discuss them at your next staff meeting):

The One Thing You Need to do to Advance Women in Your Organization. The 2021 LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company Women in the Workplace study was recently released. The one thing leaders, BRGs and allies need to do is read it, internalize it and take action. It contains more than 50 pages of facts, data and actions designed…

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